These are times of desperation. With my back against a huge ass wall A chance for survival exists, be it however infinitesimally small This bluff is a long shot, but if it works it will be a wonder to behold for all. What I wouldn't give just to see Danni's arrogant ass take a huge fucking fall.
Its all or nothing really. I have the base image for the idol here:
Now lets see if I can figure out how to make a post that says it is from JFP. Not entirely sure TBH. We we shall see.
That's actually not bad at all imho. It was hard to hide the GIMP and paint icons in the task bar. Thanks Frank for making that mistake in Warriors so that I didn't make the same mistake here
I may or may not use this. And I may or may not do it publicly. We shall see. I really had half a mind to use these as a reply to Danni's TC post. The fuck twit gave me a hard time when I said I had all but accepted my fate as a juror even before the merge started and here she is spewing the same shit herself. Fucking twat. I miss Shirin
ETA: Fixed the screenshot time so that it looks like I took all screenshots at 8:35 today.
The idea here is to make them split the vote 3-3 on Sash and I. Morgan has a double vote so if it works, it would be a sweet AF 4-3-3 on Danni. But the execution is key. I think I might approach Nick with this. It would make logical sense that I tell him about my idol and that I am playing it this round but I wanted to make sure he knew that I was plying it so that he isn't blindsided. That way there will still be trust between him and I. I won't mention anything about splitting or double votes to him. It would just be a sign of good faith and I will let HIM come up with a splitting plan to the Reads. That way it is at least plausible that they do it. Very very long shot and of course Morgan has to agree to using her double vote. But hey. I have always wanted to try a fake idol play. So this will check that particular box too.
I shared the plan with Sash. Now my worry is that he is gonna rat out the fact that this is a fake idol to Nick and it will ensure me going home. And looking like an idiot for trying a fake idol play. It ensures Sash making it to F8. So I wouldn't hold it against him at all. But I don't really have anything to lose here. I am p sure I am the target already. So I will go through with showing Nick the fake idol. And hope for the best. Of course I still need to convince Morgan to use her double vote. IDK if she actually would. She said she would yesterday. We shall see.
I am glad Chris listened when I told him he needed help with jury management. Good on him. He is well set up to win this game and I couldn't be happier.