MERGE! Yes!!! Super excited and happy to have made it to the merge of the season! Coming into this game as a returnee, I was super worried about getting targeted early on and picked off. I am glad to still be here and kicking in this game. =) Playing a completely different way, but still able to survive and continue on in the game. Loves it.
I am playing so stupid right now, trying to get everyone to go against each other. I think Morgan/Shirin may have joined the forces of my original tribe. Ciera/Nick however want to turn everything against Danni/Gabe/Burton eventually. They want to try and get rid of Coach and/or Whitney, and then turn it on those 3 and Morgan. I think it is a badass plan, and something that could help me gain a footing in the game.
I have the hidden immunity idol still, but told everyone I found a double vote. My entire goal in that, was to make myself valuable but not a huge threat. I have enough on my back as a returnee. I have to lessen my threat in this game as much as possible.