Shirin asking me on Skype if either Coach or Kim makes All Stars. Lol doesn't she know I'm just going to give her BS answers and tell her to wait until post game .
Honestly the only way Kim makes All Stars is if she wins, which seems very unlikely at this point.
It just occurred to me that the F3 is made up entirely of past winners. Burton and Kim both won States, and Nick won Twisted 3. Pretty decorated endgame players, I'd say.
It just occurred to me that the F3 is made up entirely of past winners. Burton and Kim both won States, and Nick won Twisted 3. Pretty decorated endgame players, I'd say.
I KNEW I recognized Nick from somewhere! Sean was the first person to pop into my head
Nick is pleading hi case HARDCORE to Burton, and Burton is feeling bad about it. WILL BURTON TAKE NICK TO THE END?! FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGON BAAAAAAAALLLL Z.
While I would've HOPED Burton would take Nick for a more interesting F2, him taking Kim is 100% the correct move in my eyes. He'll def be a great winner (also second Warriors alum to win Pure in a row yaw yaw.)